domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015


The first week in Bogota was a very interesting experience.

The first feeling I had was fear, mainly to language. It was my first course realized entirely in English. Later it was the responsibility that still means sharing what I learn with my peers.

But when I met teachers (Irmeli and David) and other regional partners, I felt very comfortable.

During the days we were together, Irmeli and David socialized the methodology, content and course evaluation. The four working groups would continue the activities were organized.





Another important activity this week was the organization of the plan of work personal or PDP (Personal Development Plan). During my counseling with David, we elaborate the matrix of competences to be developed during the course.

At that time, the most important competitions for me were:


The truth is that I did not stay very clear what to do with this selection, but I supose that during the remaining weeks of work I would discover.

But the activity that made me put more nervous was the interview conducted by the communications team of the General Direction of SENA. The purpose of this interview was to answer some questions but I had to do it in English, to later compare our progress after the course.

Still I feel embarrassed every time I see that video.

The main tasks still pending for the second meeting were:

  • Make the PDP (Personal Development Plan).
  • Make a schedule of meetings with the working group.
  • Realize the TAP (Team Action Plan).
  • Start the Study Circle about Literature on Theoretical Orientation to Pedagogy.


Sor Yanet Salazar

1 comentario:

  1. Sor Yanet,
    Great to see that your portfolio is taking shape and that the original picture is getting more and more colorful during your learning process.
    The idea behind the competence criteria activity was to make you aware of the competence you wish to develop more particularly during the programme. The 2 criteria you selected were supposed to help you focus more on certain tasks than others for the sake of your personal development
    It is not a problem if you have changed your mind after that :)
