lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015


This fifth week was also a mixed emotions, I had no desire to work, I was discouraged and sick. Fortunately at the end of the module I saw the clearest prospect and I found the strength to continue.

After the reencounter with partners, the day's activity turn around to the prospects of education.
Each group made a poster with our opinion on the subject. A representative from each group presented their poster while the other students exchanged groups.
The most interesting was view diferente poster about the same reality. Each group showed a diferent point of view abour the future of Colombian Education.

Another activity was make a dartboard with our contacs. I identified that I have few circles, And I am sure that It's because i am a few friends and i prefer work alone.

Th last activity of the days was choose a card with a image. I select a sada lady because I felt like that

I dont know why I only have few photos about this day. I remembered qhen Anu talked about the group cycle, After that, We made two circles and we talk about our last day with the person has in front. The final activity was about choose a vacation place.

The reflexion of this day was the oportunity of choose the options, specially our teaching style. We have many methods and strategies but only each one can choose.

A PARTY DAY!!!! We strated with the cards, but in this opportunity everyone had to tell a story continuing with the anterior part. The story was very funny.

The next activity was make a map about our network concept.
Both group made a diferent focus.

With this activity, we started the project idea. With the idea ande the comments of the other partners, each one could think the principal aspect about this project.

My first idea was about a activity that I make with my apprentices in my classes. The name is "I AM SENA CULTURE"

I love Learning Cafe. We discussed about two questions and We wrote our opinion.

At night We go to the Karaoke party. For me this is the most importan part of the week ;) And I loved my gift. relly was a amazing night.

We started the morning with "The coctel", everyone talked about the party and their experience.

Then Anu showed us how the Finnish companies support the vocational education system. Our country has to learn in this respect that the companies are very important in education as it is for them that we train our youth.

 After, we made a SWOT Matrix. We thought about our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, regarding our network project

The last activity I did not like, because the atmosphere is very tense, I was bored and I wanted to express my feelings at that time. It was really hard for me to have to write and know that I could not really say what I thought.

The day started with a meeting with the representatives of National School of Instructors. This reunion was hard because they change our tranfer. We will need a week more to make the new course.

I received an email from my trainer Luz Marina, which speaks of "¡REFRESCA LA EDUCACIÓN CON WITH FRESH WORDS!" and for the initial activity of Friday, I did my personal adaptation.



Then We made our Newspaper Placards with the informatión of our network projects.


Finally, David talked about the final compromises.

Although some people say that I do not work openly. The proof was the final activity of the last day, this activity was my idea and thanks to the collaboration of Katherine and Carlos could make the poster with the human figure where each expressed what he felt during the week.


I always do the things with my heart.

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