sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015


During the third week of contact, the beaners make a sketch of the plan for the activity session of the fourth week. In the previous design we consider the QR codes, Bono´s six hats and learning cafe.

This was our first draft plan of session:

During the days before the activity, each group member was in charge of part of the workshop. In my case I was in charge of hats and draw the background of the evaluation activity.

I searched several online resources about the Bono´s six hats and I was publishing in Google plus for the other partners knew about this technique.

The video about de hats

A test online to know which is your trend of thought.

An example

My design on the characteristics of each hat.

And photos when I make hats and my son use them

I took the hats idea of this youtube video

Hats strategy was accompanied by two cases of young apprentices of SENA, in audio or video where they told their cases.

Each hat has different characteristics that allow to approach a problem differently.

After making hats, I will ise with a group of apprentices in an activity where they was to resolve a case involving a moral dilemma.

The strategy was a complete success and got the expected results.

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